The Dhaka Times
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Inspection of Jessore-Khulna road. If the work is not completed before Eid, strict action: Communications Minister

Dhaka Times Desk Like last year, Eid is coming again, and along with it, the worry about the roads is increasing. Jessore-Khulna road has come up first. The Minister of Communications inspected the road and made it clear that strict action will be taken if the work is not completed before Eid.
যশোর-খুলনা সড়ক পরিদর্শন ॥ ঈদের আগে কাজ শেষ না হলে কঠোর ব্যবস্থা : যোগাযোগমন্ত্রী 1

On the morning of July 6, Minister of Communications and Railways Obaidul Quader inspected the renovation work of Jessore-Khulna highway. He expressed anger and displeasure at the slowness of renovation work and said that strict action will be taken against those concerned if the work is not completed before Eid. The country's TV channels highlight the pathetic condition of the roads.

On that day, while inspecting the renovation work of Jessore-Khulna highway, the minister directed the executive engineer of the road department to fill the big potholes created on the road within a day and make it suitable for traffic. He said, I should not see these holes again on my way back from Khulna tomorrow (July 7). Earlier, the Minister visited Jessore Railway Junction.

After reaching the railway station, he came to know by talking to the common passengers that the law and order situation has deteriorated here with theft and robbery. The minister expressed his anger on hearing about the mismanagement of the railway station and immediately directed the top official of Western Railway to take immediate action in this regard over the mobile phone. He also ordered immediate removal of all illegal structures at Jessore railway station. Talking to reporters, the minister said that 250 coaches will be added to the railways very soon to reduce the suffering of passengers.

Jessore-5 Constituency Member of Parliament Khan Tipu Sultan, Jessore Deputy Commissioner Mostafizur Rahman, Supervising Engineer of Road Department Bulbul Ahmed, Executive Engineer Ziaul Haider and other senior officials were present with him.

It is to be noted that before Eid last year, the transport owners were forced to call for a strike in many parts of the country due to the pathetic condition of the roads. Due to the chaos in the country's communication sector, many people could not go to their villages to celebrate Eid.

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