Categories: Science-invention

Dark matter surrounds the Earth like a disk

The Dhaka Times Desk Dark matter (Dark Matter) is an important subject of theoretical physics. It accounts for four-fifths of the mass of the universe Dark matter It is assumed that Using data from GPS satellites, it is known that the Earth is surrounded by some strange material that is believed to be responsible for most of the Earth's mass. Recently, the professor of Texas University gave such information Ben Harris .

Astronomy secret substance Or invisible substance or tamopadartha is a type of hypothesized substance whose nature has not yet been known. With other matter they are assumed to act only through the force of gravity; As such, the only way to detect them is through their gravitational influence. Dark matter is thought to account for four-fifths of the total mass of the universe. They neither emit nor absorb electromagnetic waves (ie, light), nor do they interact with them in any way, so there is no way to see them directly with a telescope. Dark matter is thought to account for 83% of the total matter and 23% of the total mass-energy of the universe.

Even though dark matter has not been seen or is not 100% established, the related idea is prevalent in the scientific community. Many sutras have been developed based on this, proven sutras. Recently, data obtained from GPS satellites has created new ideas. Ben Harris was able to measure the amount of pull exerted by the Earth's gravitational force. Overall, it is said that dark matter surrounds the earth like a circular disk 191 km thick and 70 thousand km wide, which is responsible for making the earth appear heavier.

Ben Harris plans to experiment by changing the satellite's orbit during the gravitational pull between the Sun and the Moon. If his findings are correct, it could put an end to the long-standing dark matter mystery.

References: The Tech Journal, Daily Mail

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This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৫, ২০১৪ 2:40 pm


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