The Dhaka Times Desk Who doesn't want a good night's sleep after a long day of work? Insomnia is like a nightmare for people. For good sleep we should be aware of some things. Eating foods that are good for good sleep and avoiding foods that cause insomnia. Let's find out about ten foods in total, including five foods that are good for good sleep and five foods that are bad for good sleep.
Five foods that are beneficial for good sleep:
1. Mixture of milk and cereal:
A meal mixed with carbohydrates and protein before bed produces the happy hormone - serotonin in the body, which calms the body and induces sound sleep. So take food like milk, cheese mixed with cereal before going to bed.
2. Creeper:
Although this result is a bit difficult to obtain. However, it can be found by searching the market. Latabel contains sleep-inducing properties. So why late - eat mixed with juice or tea before going to bed.
3. Banana:
This results in magnesium, a mineral. Ingredients that relieve our muscle fatigue, relax. So it is definitely wise to eat banana at night for good sleep.
4. Cherry juice:
A 2011 study found cherry juice beneficial for sleep. Those who consumed two glasses of cherry juice per day slept 39 minutes longer than others. So have at least one glass of cherry juice at night.
5. Hot milk:
Warm milk is beneficial for sleep. Milk contains the amino acid tryptocan, which acts as a sedative. Milk also contains calcium, which helps the brain use tryptophan. So take warm milk at night regardless of age.
Five foods that are harmful for good sleep:
1. Protein:
Protein is very important for physical strength. The alarming news is that the more protein you consume, the more you sleep at night. So it is better to avoid protein food before sleeping at night.
2. Alcohol:
It is believed that drinking alcohol at night can cure insomnia. In fact, this is a misconception, as long as alcohol acts on the body, sleep can be good, but once the intoxication wears off, sleep will not come again. So alcohol should not be consumed before going to bed at night.
3. Fatty fast food:
Usually, fast food contains a lot of fat, which disturbs digestion in the stomach, and also irritates the nerves. Consuming these foods at night is sure to reduce sleep. So avoid such food at night for good sleep.
4. A lot of salted food:
Avoid foods that disturb sleep, such as those with high salt content. Food rich in salt increases the temperature of the body, excites the nerves.
5. Caffeine:
Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical that stimulates the central nervous system. People who are sensitive to caffeine do not sleep well. Drinking caffeinated foods like tea and coffee before sleep can cause insomnia. Avoid these foods.
There is no substitute for good sleep for physical and mental well-being. So, along with eating good nutritious foods for good sleep, you should practice avoiding foods that are harmful to sleep.
Reference: Fitness Magazine
This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 12:05 pm
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