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The deadly AIDS vaccine has been discovered!

The Dhaka Times Desk AIDS is a fatal disease caused by infection with the HIV virus. So far no effective treatment for AIDS has been discovered. But recently in the news FIT Biotech A company called may have discovered a vaccine for AIDS and will start testing the vaccine this year.


For many days, medical researchers have tried to discover drugs or vaccines to prevent the HIV virus. In the end, that effort can be said to have seen the face of success. Recent studies have discovered that the vaccine is able to slow the rate of disease progression or completely destroy the HIV virus. After a lot of hard work FIT Biotech Company In association with two top European universities and two American pharmaceutical companies, they discovered that their vaccine is capable of preventing the spread of the HIV virus in the body.

One hundred AIDS patients will be given the vaccine by late spring 2014. And later thousands of patients in France and Switzerland will receive the vaccine. If HIV-infected patients recover after the vaccine is given or evidence of resistance to the HIV virus is found, then it can be said that there will be great success in the treatment of AIDS. The resulting vaccine will gain acceptance and be marketed within the next five years.

FIT Biotech CIO of the company Kalevi Reijonen It is known that the cost of treating an AIDS patient in the past will be one-tenth of the cost after the vaccine is marketed. Currently, an AIDS patient needs at least 10-15 thousand euros for a year of drug treatment. He also expressed hope that the processes related to the license and marketing of the vaccine will be completed within this year.

With the discovery of the vaccine, scientists took another step forward in the treatment of AIDS. Hopefully the day will soon come when no one dies of AIDS. That's why FIT Biotech Everyone expects the success of the company.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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