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10 ways to whiten teeth at home without the help of a dentist!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you don't understand the dignity of teeth while having teeth, you will be in danger later - everyone knows this. Everyone has something to do to keep teeth healthy, strong, clean and shiny. It is possible to get clean and bright teeth at home without spending money at the dentist.


Without going to the dentist, it is possible to get bright and clean teeth using natural methods at home. Let's know the 10 methods.

1. Baking soda:


There is no comparison to baking soda for cleaning teeth. Mix half a teaspoon of toothpaste with baking soda in a bowl. Brushing the mixture on a toothbrush will make the teeth shine. And why late? Use this method to get clean white teeth.

2. Electric toothbrush:


One of the easiest ways to get sparkling white teeth is to use an electric toothbrush. This method is most effective in removing discolored enamel from teeth.

3. Brushing after eating:


Brushing your teeth after every meal keeps your teeth disease-free and sparkling.

4. Lemon


Applying lemon juice on the teeth removes the enamel and makes the teeth sparkling white. Many, however, use a mixture of lemon juice and salt.

5. Peroxide:


Food particles and germs are one of the causes of tooth discolouration. Rinse with peroxide after brushing to remove food stains and bacteria. It will make the teeth sparkling white.

6. Apple:

woman with apple

Include apples in your daily diet. Bite the apple with the front teeth, this will remove the dirt and make the teeth shiny.

7. Water:


Rinse with water every time you eat to remove food residue. Water works as an alternative to teeth whitening.

8. Strawberry:


Strawberries should be eaten to keep teeth strong and shiny. Strawberry acts as a tooth whitener or blusher. Although this procedure is somewhat expensive, remember that it is more affordable than going to the dentist for tooth decay.

9. Cheese:


Calcium is the main mineral that prevents tooth decay. Cheese is rich in calcium. Consume cheese, especially hard cheese, to maintain healthy teeth.

10. Onion:


It is true that eating onions gives bad breath, but onions are very important in cleaning teeth. Consume onion to remove tooth enamel and make teeth sparkling clean.


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