The Dhaka Times
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100,000 free internet hotspots will be created across the country!

The Dhaka Times Desk ICT Bangladesh has taken a new initiative to spread people's involvement with the Internet equally from the city to the village.


The number of internet users in the country is increasing day by day, society is engaging in various technology related activities by combining their talents using the internet. Apart from this, internet connection is required to receive various public and private services of the country, it is possible to complete various tasks easily from far away, so the government wants to deliver these facilities to rural Bengal.

Bangladesh ICT Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan said that Bangladesh is becoming digital, in addition to the city, the common people of the remote areas in rural Bengal, the government of Bangladesh is trying very hard to involve the society with information technology. Action is being taken.

He also said that private organizations should come forward along with the government to create digital Bangladesh. Bangladesh can become a fully digital Bangladesh only if the Internet and information technology can be brought within the reach of the common people in the village.

At present, as it is possible to do various things very easily through the use of the Internet, it is also possible to change one's own condition, the Internet has huge potential, it is possible to use skilled and educated manpower to make huge improvements in technology and to solve the country's unemployment problem. The current government has taken an initiative to provide free internet facilities in the market along with the creation of internet hotspots covering an area of 56 thousand square miles.

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