The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh is going fast in the technology sector, currently there are many electric powered motor rickshaws on the streets of Bangladesh, but solar powered rickshaws will be seen from next year!
Two Bangladeshi researchers have invented a special rickshaw powered by solar energy with government funding! These rickshaws will not need pedals or electric charge to run, it will generate solar power from the solar panel on the hood itself and store it in the battery to run the motor.
Jahangirnagar University Information Technology Institute Assistant Professor Dr. M Shamim Kaychar and Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) lecturer Abu Raihan. Siddique has created this new style of eco-friendly rickshaw. This rickshaw will charge easily and only two sheets are used as solar panels, so it will look very light and slim.
Dr. M Shamim Kaishar said, “Two solar panels cannot directly generate the amount of electricity required by a rickshaw, so we have used a special converter to lighten the rickshaw which converts 24 volts to 48 volts. In addition, this rickshaw uses a micro controller, which is very effective in controlling the rickshaw, even if the driver wants to, the speed of the rickshaw cannot be increased unnecessarily”.
The researchers also said that with the average amount of solar heat in Bangladesh, we can easily generate electricity for various purposes, in winter or normal season and this solar panel is able to work normally, but if it is cloudy or raining for a long time, then on an emergency basis. It will be possible to charge this rickshaw with electricity.
About when exactly this new type of electricity-saving rickshaw will come to the market, the inventors said, we will bring this rickshaw to the market next year. Its price will be around 70 thousand.