Smart helmets are coming to the market for motorcyclists

The Dhaka Times Desk Helmets are a must for motorcyclists. But wearing a normal helmet can only see the front, it is not possible to see what is around or behind. This time helmets that can be seen in front and behind and around are being made for motorcyclists.

By using this helmet called AR-1 Augmented Reality Helmet, a rider will get the real bike riding experience while at the same time it will give you complete safety. It has Heads-up Display or hood technology for short to give you an idea of the surrounding conditions while driving your motorcycle.

Through Heads-up Display technology, you can see front view, map with rear view, and indication on the front glass of this helmet. Everything will show you on the Heads-up Display right on the windshield of your helmet.

The helmet will connect to your smart phone via Bluetooth and by receiving GPS data it will show you a 3D map while also giving you an idea of your destination. The rear view of the helmet has a 180 degree camera that will show you the real view and make riding a bike much more convenient.

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The manufacturer Skully said that they are working to deliver this helmet to customers very quickly, about its price Skully said that it will be approximately 1000 dollars, that is, 70 thousand in Bangladeshi taka!

Let's take a look at the helmet in the video:

Thank you: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২৩, ২০১৭ 8:40 am


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