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NASA telescope caught the 'Hand of God' or the new image of the Nebula!

The Dhaka Times Desk A small object in the solar system is called our Earth, the Sun and the planets that surround it. There is a much larger area in space, such a nebula is called the 'Hand of God' or Hand of God. Recently, NASA's Special Telescope Hand of God Sent a new picture of it.


of NASA Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuStar) is the first space research X-ray telescope to observe vast regions of space through high X-ray energy. NASA since 2012 NuStar It is used in space research. The main task of this telescope is to be in space black hole Photographing and assisting in research. These black hole nebulae captured by NuStar are billions of times more powerful than our Sun.

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The nebula captured by NASA's NuStar telescope is called the Hand of God, named after its hand-shaped appearance. The Hand of God Nebula is located 17,000 light years from Earth. The entire nebula is in a state of rotation. It is located in a huge energy ring, with strong magnetic attraction working inside it. If an object passes through its vicinity, it will be swept away by its magnetic attraction and may never be recovered. That is why it is called as black hole nebula.

Meanwhile, NASA has not yet been able to provide any detailed information about this nebula. However, the shape of the hand and the similarity of the fingers have greatly intrigued NASA.

Canada's McGill University teacher Hongjun An He said, "We don't know yet Hand of God In fact, the combination of planets or stars is an optical illusion created by the emission of high energy X-rays! But the shape of its hand certainly made us curious about it.”

Source: The Tech Journal
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