The Dhaka Times Desk Star fish Everyone knew that he could not see. Scientists recently discovered that the idea that starfish can't see is wrong. Marine animals can also see starfish.
It is a fish in name, but it is not a fish. Star Mish in Bengali they are fish known as It usually has 5 arms. However, some species have been found to have as many as 40 arms. The most interesting thing about the starfish is that if any of its arms accidentally deviates from the body, new arms are formed. The most amazing thing is that the deviated arm can also transform into a new starfish. The nervous system of the starfish remains active when the body parts deviate. Because of which reconstruction is possible.
Scientists have discovered more interesting facts about how starfish can see. Starfish have eyes and are located at the end of the legs. The eyes are compound and not strong. Starfish can see only 4 meters away with these eyes. Due to lack of strong eyes, these eyes cannot detect anything fast moving. Starfish are color blind. Color detection is not possible with starfish's normal eyes. Starfish use the marine environment to find their food. Eyes also play a role in not being attacked by enemy animals.
References: The Tech Journal