Categories: special news

Miladunnabi is being celebrated on the holy Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk Miladunnabi is being celebrated today with due religious solemnity, with the passion and enthusiasm of Muslims all over the world.

Today is the great day of that festival, Baroi Rabiul Awal. On this day, the great Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to this world. In whose light this world was illuminated. Without whose arrival this world tour would not have been created. On the occasion of the birthday of the great man for whom the great creator created this world, the Bengali nation along with other Muslims of the world is also celebrating it appropriately. Zikir, Quran Khani and Islamic discussions have been organized throughout the day. The day started with prayers in mosques at Fajr.

About 14 and a half years ago, in 570 AD, on this day, 12th Rabiul Awal Subhe Sadek, he came to this place by lighting the arms of his mother Amena, the noble Quraish clan of the city of Makkah. He lost his father before birth and was deprived of his mother's love shortly after birth. This great personality grew up under the shelter of his uncle Abu Talib through many hardships and infinite adversities. After attaining the age of 40, he received the great responsibility of Prophethood from the Great Lord. To give the news of truth to the uncivilized barbarians and the wayward human race, he presented to them the great message of Tawheed of the Great Rabbul Alamin.

But it is a matter of great regret that the barbaric Arab nation did not accept his invitation and started torturing the Prophet (PBUH). Various plots and conspiracies started one after another. With genuine trust in the help of Almighty God, he continued to struggle to establish peace in the world by risking his life. And once upon a time, truth-seeking people began to be his companions. On the other hand, the conspiracies of the infidels also began to take shape. At one point they even planned to kill the Prophet (PBUH). In such a situation, the Prophet (PBUH) left his native land and migrated to Medina. In Madinah he established the Islamic state and implemented the laws of Allah and formulated a written constitution called the Sanad of Madinah. This Medina charter is known as the first written constitution of the world. In this constitution, the rights of all including Jews, Christians, Muslims are recognized in parallel. It is also a role model for the world.

After 23 long years of hard work, Rasulullah (PBUH) finally won the struggle to establish religion. It was fulfilled by the conquest of Mecca. In the farewell Hajj speech, he gave the message of Allah to mankind: 'From today, your religion and life system have been perfected for you. Only Islam has been chosen for you as a religion and a way of life.'

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Various religious, social and cultural organizations are conducting various programs on the occasion of Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the holy Eid. Various events including discussions, symposiums, seminars and prayer meetings have been organized on the Seerat of Rasool (PBUH). Highlighting the significance of the day, various private TV channels including Bangladesh Radio and Television are airing special programs.

President Advocate Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia gave separate messages on the occasion of Miladunnabi (PBUH) on the holy Eid.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০১৪ 12:17 pm

Staff reporter

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