The Dhaka Times Desk Although we use turmeric as a spice, it has many benefits.
This turmeric has been used for 2500 years. Which acts as a highly antibiotic. Nowadays, its natural quality is considered very important in the field of medicine.
# Turmeric daily intake of 200-250 grams of body can not create various types of cancer in the body. It acts as an anti-cancer agent. Especially in breast cancer.
Medical scientists believe that the natural properties of # may act as an antidote to the memory loss Alzheimer's disease.
A moderate amount of # applied to various cuts and burns relieves pain and promotes faster healing.
# Turmeric acts as a preventive measure to prevent the development of tuberculosis or idiopathic arthritis.
# Use of Turmeric on hands and feet: Make an ointment with Turmeric on the affected area. (Two teaspoons of turmeric, one teaspoon of salt and equal amount of water) and apply the ointment on a thin old cloth and keep it for 20 minutes, the pain will be much less.
# When the ear is ripe, heat garlic and oil and add some turmeric to it and use a moderate amount in the ear to reduce earache and pain.
# Use of turmeric in moderation in food: Turmeric also works in liver protection. Which helps to keep the liver clean.
# Turmeric contains natural painkillers. Which helps to relieve various types of pain.
Turmeric powder can be used to make boutique fabric in # cloth. At home in cloth boutiques, yellow paka works as a permanent dye to fabric.
# is highly effective in enhancing the beauty of yellow skin. Highly effective in enhancing the skin's beauty and radiance. Applying turmeric paste mixed with little milk twice a week makes the skin fair and luscious.
# To get rid of dandruff, mix a little turmeric with coconut oil and massage it on the scalp for 15 minutes and shampoo your scalp to get rid of dandruff.
# turmeric powder or turmeric paste can be used. But of course in moderation. Special Warning: Turmeric is not good for pregnant women. It can cause gall bladder problems, stomach problems and damage to the unborn child.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 11:51 am
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