The Dhaka Times Desk In the case of life time photography, sometimes a photo is taken from such an angle or a different tone is taken at a certain time in such a way that the photo seems to indicate something else. Let's take a look at 12 such amazing and funny pictures.
1) While swimming under the sea, the photo was taken in such a way that it looks like the man does not have his own head, a sea fish head has grown there. Amazing picture.
2) A girl and another boy are walking side by side in opposite directions. But the skill of the photographer has framed the picture in such a way that the shadow of the wall seems to embrace the moment.
3) The owner and his pet dog are photographed in such a way that the man's head appears to have disappeared while the dog's head has been transferred to the owner's head - an illusion.
4) A sleeping girl, magazine on her face. The magazine cover is placed in the face in such a way that the man's face appears to be the gruesome image on the magazine cover.
5) A dog standing by the sea and in front of him a sea bird in a state of wings. But the picture looks like the dog is flapping its wings. Amazing photography.
6) Sleeping man sitting on a train, picture of a burger on the back wall. The photo is taken as if he is dreaming of burgers in his sleep – a stunning image.
7) The white clad Ramani is lying in the white foam of the sea in such a way that her lower body seems to have melted into the sea. Amazing picture.
8) The image of the horns on the back of the man has been blended so that it looks like the man has horns growing on his head.
9) The picture is taken with the clouds in the sky and the body posture of the man in such a position that the man is passing gas. What a funny picture.
10) Look at the diver and the sea fish. It seems that one is beating the other.
11) The rear area of the cow is on fire, but the photographer took the picture in such a way that it looks like the fire is coming out of the rear of the cow.
12) There is an ax on the back of the girl. The picture is taken in such a way that it looks like the girl has been hit on the head by an axe.
Reference: Boredpanda