Categories: apps

MIT researchers discovered new software to make the appearance more memorable!

The Dhaka Times Desk Photoshop is currently the most popular software through which images are edited or changed. Photoshop usually alters and enhances the old image containing the image. Now MIT researchers have developed new software that improves on Photoshop to make looks more memorable.

The MIT researchers, however, have not yet released the name of their new software to the media. However, MIT researchers have shown that through this software they can drastically change human facial expressions. This software developed by MIT researchers is capable of making beautiful changes to any image without any harshness. The new software has special features to change cheekbones, eyebrows, smile, hair etc.

MIT researchers have created this software that will usually work as an app on a smartphone or computer. Anyone can post their own photos on social media eg Instagram, Twitter or Facebook You can change it as per your wish before uploading. Apart from this, in the case of attaching a picture in the application form for the job, the picture can be given a more attractive smart look. It is also very easy to use so even ordinary users will be able to edit their photos very easily.

One of the MIT research team Aditya Khosla বলেন, “আমাদের তৈরি এই সফটওয়্যার দিয়ে আপনি আপনার ছবিকে আরও স্মরণীয় করে তুলতে পারবেন। আমরা অন্যান্য সফটওয়্যারের মত এমন কোন সফটওয়্যার বানাইনি যা আপনার চেহারাকে আপনার নিজের সাথে অপরিচত করে দেবে। আমাদের তৈরি সফটওয়্যার আপনার নিজের ছবিকে আপনার আদলেই পরিবর্তন করে সেখানে আপনারই সুন্দর লুক দিবে।”

On the day of testing the software, the researchers edited the photos of about 500 people and tried to make them memorable. After examining these pictures, it was found that 75 percent of them were more memorable than before.

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Researchers are now trying to make this software more modern. MIT researchers are looking to further improve this software. So that it can attach more beautiful expressions to the human face without changing the reality of it.

Thank you: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on মে ২৩, ২০১৫ 10:57 pm


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