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Two American pilots lost their jobs to land at the wrong airport!

The Dhaka Times Desk Last Sunday, American Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700 with 124 passengers and 5 crew members accidentally landed at Carl-Taney Airport. Two pilots of that plane lost their jobs.


A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737-700 was scheduled to land Branson At the airport. But it landed Branson 11 miles away from Carl-Taney At the airport, the passengers suffered. There were a total of 124 passengers in the plane, among whom all are healthy, but these passengers were delayed to their destination.

In today's era, the incident of plane landing at the wrong airport does not happen much. Because now drivers have all the modern systems in the cockpit. At the same time, the drivers are also assisted by airport aviation. But why this false landing? An investigation is underway in this matter, but in the meantime, two pilots of the plane have been temporarily fired.

Boeing 737-700 124 passengers on 124 aircraft Carl-Taney Airport authorities only after landing at the wrong place on another plane Branson Arranges to send to the airport.

It was the second wrongful landing of any plane in America since 2013. US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) It has been informed from the side that the two pilots will not be able to fly in the sky with any kind of aircraft until further instructions.

Source: The Tech Journal

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