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Farmers used the novelty of fuel tanks thrown from jet planes in the Vietnam War!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people know about the Vietnam War - America lost this war. During this war 40 years ago, US jets patrolled over South Vietnam. This time the fuel tank thrown from the jet plane. Check out the fancy ways Vietnamese farmers used tanks after they hit the ground.


Military fighter jets run on fuel called JP-8, which is stored in an additional fuel tank with the aircraft. When the fuel runs out, the fuel tank is ejected from the aircraft to reduce the weight of the aircraft. Those tanks are collected and used by Vietnamese farmers in their work. Let's take a look at some of these related pictures.



The US Air Force used to drop large fuel tanks. As a result, pilot and air defense tactics were refined.



Fuel tanks were seen lying all over the country. Those tanks were collected by the farmers and converted into their own useful items.


Temporary dinghy boats were mostly made.



Those dinghies also had the system of moving fast in the water by installing the engine. One has to wonder at their innovative abilities.

Although it seems like it's a matter of luck for them - it's not like that. In this bloody war, Vietnamese people have to pay a lot of price in all economic, political and social fields.

Reference: ViralNova

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