Categories: Science-invention

A special sensor will be placed on the fly!

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, the number of flies is decreasing at an alarming rate. If it decreases like this, the researchers say that this very important animal of the world will go towards extinction very soon. Australian researchers say they will put sensors on bee flies for research purposes.

Researchers say bees are currently declining at an alarming rate. In America alone, 31 percent of bee colonies were lost in 2012. Researchers are now trying to find the reason behind the sudden death of these bees.

Bee flies are organisms that play a special and important role in our food chain. If for some reason this animal becomes extinct. Or its propagation is affected. If the life cycle of the new generation of mayflies is threatened, the impact on our food chain will be dire.

Researchers have decided to put special sensors on about 5 thousand bee flies to save them from becoming endangered. To install these sensors, the bees will be kept in the refrigerator for some time. As a result of keeping the bees in the refrigerator, they will temporarily go into a coma, while the sensors will be attached to them with the help of special glue in an unconscious state.

After this, these bees will be released into the wild. Bees will fly to their respective colonies with sensors. Meanwhile, with the help of sensors, constant surveillance will be kept on these flies. You will know the secrets of bees, such as why their numbers are decreasing, what problems they are facing, etc.

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Such studies on bees can provide more specific information about weather. Many unknown secrets will be known about various topics including weather changes. However, the bee fly cannot be allowed to disappear from the world, it can lead to a terrible food crisis!

Source: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 12:19 pm


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