Categories: entertainment

There are money trees in England!

The Dhaka Times Desk Does money catch on trees? Everyone knows this sentence. Even if the tree does not catch money, some strange trees can be found, which can be called money trees. Today I will tell you about such a money tree in England.

Thousands of tourists in England have built 'wishing trees'. The process of fulfilling their purpose is strange.


This 'wishing tree' can actually be called a money tree. You can understand the reason by looking at the picture of the tree.

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The tree is carved with a mudra hammer. As a result, the bark of the tree barks only coins and coins.

If a passerby passes in front of the tree, he can drop coins on this money tree as a wish fulfillment.

Gradually the appearance of that tree has become as it is now. Coins sparkle all over the tree.

Thus each tree seems to stand with a coin, the passerby's secret wishes and hopes of fulfilling dreams.

This type of tree is more common in the Cumbria and Portmeirion regions of England.

According to BBC sources, around 1700, Swedish people used to carve coins into trees in hopes of curing their ailments.

However, it is not certain whether their wishes are being fulfilled, but the tradition of making such trees is still alive.

The variety of ways in which human desires are fulfilled is quite astonishing. Such wish-fulfilling trees can also be seen in the shrines of our country. However, there is no mistaking the fact that these events present us with joy and wonder.

Reference: Viralnova

This post was last modified on অক্টোবর ২৯, ২০১৪ 12:47 pm

Mahmudur Rahman

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