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Confession of Pakistani militant: They have come to make and train explosives including car bombs

The Dhaka Times Desk 3 Pakistani militants caught by the intelligence police admitted to the police that they came to Bangladesh to train and make various types of explosives including car bombs.

All the 3 people caught by the police are members of the militant organization 'Tehrik-e-Taliban of Pakistan (TTP)' who threatened to blow up the Bangladesh embassy in Pakistan. They said, the more vicious militants of that organization are now in Dhaka.

The media reported that they are building bases in various districts including Dhaka to activate these dormant Bangladeshi militants. Training the militant members of extremist organizations in Bangladesh. Local militants are becoming proficient in bomb making, bomb attacks, handling of sophisticated weapons and war tactics after receiving hands-on training from them. However, a large-scale violence plan by 'TTP' in Bangladesh was foiled by the activities of the intelligence police. Dhaka Metropolitan Detective Police arrested 3 active members of the organization from Segunbagicha in the capital last Sunday night. They are Mehmud (25), Osman (23) and Fakrul Hasan (50).

Police told the media that each of them is skilled in making 12 types of bombs, including car bombs. They are skilled in all types of modern assault rifles AK-47, M16, SMG, LMG and its mechanical work used in the battlefield. They also admitted during police questioning that they were planning a major act of violence by carrying out car bomb attacks. Everyone is being remanded for 13 days and being interrogated at Minto Road Intelligence Office.

It is to be noted that the three trained militant members of Pakistan-based banned militant organization 'Tehrik-e-Taliban of Pakistan' TTP were arrested from Segun Bagicha area of the capital on Sunday.

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This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৪ 1:19 pm

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