Categories: international news

Pictures: Thousands of fish on the beach have frozen in the winter in Norway!

The Dhaka Times Desk Such a scene may not have seen before! Recently, Norway has had such a severe winter that the lake water and all the fish in the water have frozen.

The water on one side of the small Norwegian island of Lovund is completely frozen. Although the temperature was minus 7.8 degrees, the water on the immediate beach was frozen. The southerly wind is seen as the reason for the freezing of beach water. Because the strong southerly wind in Kankan has been able to freeze all the animals including the water in that area at minus 7.8 degrees.

Norwegian marine research institute Havforsknings instituttet said in a statement that it is rare for so many fish to accumulate in the same place. But this happened because when the water in that area was freezing, all the fishes were coming to the surface of the water and crowding in the hope of survival. Together with each other they tried to escape the freezing cold but the strong southerly wind and sub-minus temperature instantly froze the water in the area along with numerous fish.

Meanwhile, this is not the first time that animals have frozen in ice in Norway. An elk deer can be seen frozen in the snow before it. which was completely frozen.

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A photographer named Inger Sjøberg has captured some more pictures of animals frozen in winter. The elk deer above was also caught on his camera.

Meanwhile, Inger Sjøberg said, I went out with my husband. But there I see something frozen in the water of Hrid and look closer! It is a huge deer. Frozen alive!

He also saw more animals flocking in. A picture of a frog was a sight to behold.

Source: Independent, Globalpost, Dailymail

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৯, ২০২৩ 3:41 pm


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