The Dhaka Times
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DIIT is going to provide free computer training to women

Dhaka Times Desk Free computer training program for women is going to be started in a joint effort of National Women's Organization, Directorate of Women Affairs and Daffodil Institute of IT (DIIT) in collaboration with Ministry of Women and Child Affairs. According to related sources, this program has been undertaken with the aim of making unemployed educated women self-reliant across the country.ডিআইআইটি বিনামূল্যে নারীদের কম্পিউটার প্রশিক্ষণ দিতে যাচ্ছে 1

On the occasion of this programme, a tripartite agreement signing was held in a homely atmosphere at the boardroom of the National Women's Organization at Bailey Road on February 17. The Minister of Women and Children Affairs was present as the chief guest in the event titled 'Creation of self-employment of women in the advancement of computer education'. Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury. Daffodil Group Chairman Sabur Khan, National Women's Organization Chairman Professor Mumtaz Begum, Women Directorate Chief Director Ashraf Hossain signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.

In the welcome speech, Chief Guest Women and Child Affairs Minister Shirin Sharmin Chowdhury said that initially 10 thousand women will be trained. The minister also said that if the progress of this program is observed, initiatives will be taken to expand it further in the future. Besides, he expects that it is possible to develop the working people of the related institutions as trainers through the efficient trainers of DIIT.

The DIIT chairman said on the occasion that efficient trainers are needed to make this program successful and stable. Therefore, advanced training arrangements have been made for them, he said. And there is another project to give ideas to the trainees about each specific subject including proper education, work area, employment opportunities and to reach the target of the trainees. He made a firm promise to provide all technical support and financial support.

According to the related sources, this program will be officially started by next April.

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