iPhone 5s users use more data than others! [research]

The Dhaka Times Desk A recent JDSU study found that iPhone 5s users share more data than other smartphone users.

Research shows that iPhone 5s users use 7 times more data than iPhone 3G users. And this data usage is almost 20 times more than other smartphone users!

এছাড়াও ডাটা শেয়ারের ক্ষেত্রে সেরা ১০টি ডিভাইসের মাঝে অ্যাপেলের রয়েছে ৬টি ডিভাইস। এগুল হচ্ছে, iPhone 5C, 5, and 4S,  iPad Between 3 and 4.

Meanwhile, JDSU executive Michael Flanagan said that every time the iPhone is introduced, users use more data than ever before. This is natural because the new version of iPhone brings more convenience to the users than before. And iPhone devices have many data dependent apps.

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Other devices on this list for data sharing are the HTC Sensation, Sony Xperia SP, and all but the Samsung Galaxy S4 and S2 are from Apple.

The fact is that these iPhone models have many other modern technologies including 4G that require data usage, so the users of these devices have to use data.

Source: Cnet

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 2:04 pm


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