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Development of new organic batteries using sugar

The Dhaka Times Desk If sugar can produce energy in animals, why can't sugar be used to power batteries? From this thought of Virginia Tech Researchers are trying to create a new type of bio battery that is conventional Lithium ion Can store 10 times more energy than batteries.


Although it is a strange question, it is not strange at all. There are many problems with the existing batteries in the market. The main problem with these types of batteries is that they are not environmentally friendly at all. When used up, it adds to the chemical waste. Rechargeable batteries are used in electronic products like smart phones, tabloids, laptops etc. At some point the batteries lose their functionality. These batteries are not recyclable.

Researchers are building a battery that can generate energy from sugar. Basically they are one type Biofuel or producing biofuels whose main ingredients are yeast cells and sugars. Biofuels generally refer to solid, liquid, or gaseous fuels produced from recently dead organic matter, mainly plants. It differs from fossil fuels in that fossil fuels originate from long-dead organic matter. Carbohydrate powered batteries will last longer until refueling.

Working behind this biological battery Y. H. Percival Chang And Ziguang Chu. Basically they came up with the idea of making batteries using organic sugars.

Associate Professor of Biological Systems Engineering Y. H. Percival Chang According to its statement, carbohydrates are the perfect natural energy source. So it would make sense to use this resource to produce batteries in an environmentally friendly way.

Virginia Tech Researchers think the new battery model will be cheaper. It will be affordable to everyone as it does not have to use expensive platinum. Hopefully, this type of bio-battery will soon be used in mainstream electronics. Until then we have to wait for the success of the researchers.

References: The Tech Journal, The Senate

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