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An injured woman worker committed suicide at Rana Plaza

The Dhaka Times Desk Salma Akhter (26), an injured woman worker of Rana Plaza in Savar, committed suicide due to family disputes and unable to afford medical expenses.

It is known that the police recovered his hanging body from his house in Turag area of the capital on Friday morning. Salma Akhtar, the injured worker of Rana Plaza, lived with her husband in the house of Fazlu Mia in Bamner Tek, Turag. Salma's village house is in Jamalpur's Charsarishabari.

It is known that on Thursday night she committed suicide by twisting the veil around her neck without the knowledge of everyone. On receiving the news, at 10:30 a.m., Turag police station recovered his body and sent it to Dhaka Medical College morgue for autopsy.

According to family sources, Salma Akhter was undergoing treatment since she was seriously injured in the Rana Plaza building collapse. It has been a month since he was brought home from the hospital. But Salma did not fully recover. Even after coming home he was sick. Salma was suffering from excruciating pain from multiple wounds. Swami Babu used to drive a rickshaw. Currently he is also not working. As the wife could not work, the family was suffering from poverty. Her husband was also struggling to meet his wife's medical expenses. In such a situation, the husband used to quarrel with the sick Salma. Her relatives believe that Salma, who was mentally unbalanced due to the quarrel between her husband and wife, lack of family and lack of medical expenses, committed suicide by twisting the veil around her neck with the cover of the house.

The investigating police also said that the information given by Salma's husband revealed that the injured Salma was mentally unbalanced and used to hit her head against the wall when she got a headache. They went to sleep after dinner around 12 o'clock on Thursday night. In the morning, he saw his hanging body and informed the police.

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The police told the media that no injury marks were found on Salma's body. It is initially believed that Salma committed suicide due to severe headache and physical pain. Police have detained Salma's husband for questioning.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৫, ২০১৪ 11:11 am

Staff reporter

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