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Peace efforts fail in troubled Ukraine

The Dhaka Times Desk All peace initiatives in troubled Ukraine have failed. Despite repeated discussions with the protesters, there was no result.

Peace efforts Ukraine

The government of that country has repeatedly tried to suppress the protests by peaceful means but it has 'failed'. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine confirmed this news to the media on Saturday. Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko also claimed that the government's negotiations for peace with the protesters have failed.

Last Friday night, President Viktor Yanukovych announced several concessions to resolve the crisis. But there was no result. Clashes between protesters and police continue.


Meanwhile, the international media reported that the anti-government protests in Ukraine have already spread from the capital Kiev to different parts of the country. Several regional government headquarters in the central and western parts of the country have been taken over by protesters, media reported.

The media also reported that outside the capital, the protestors are strengthening their hold in some places in the northeastern region. Hundreds of protesters have been arrested so far.


In a meeting with religious leaders last Friday night, Yanukovych announced some concessions as demanded by the opposition. He assured to propose reshuffle in the cabinet in the special session of Parliament next Tuesday. He also said to change the cabinet through decree if necessary. The Russian president has also promised to amend the recently passed anti-protest law and announce amnesty for detained protesters. But opposition leader Vitali Klitschko says the only way to end the protests is for Yanukovych to resign - nothing else.

It should be noted that the pro-Russian President Yanukovych did not sign a cooperation agreement with the European Union (EU), and the protests started last November. Then recently, the Ukrainian government enacted laws to suppress protest and free speech, and the protests spread widely. Protesters have been clashing with the police on and off since last week in Kiev. A protester who was injured in this clash died yesterday. In all, 6 protesters have died so far. Ukrainian authorities, however, claimed only three deaths.

Clashes erupted again in Kiev an hour after the president's announcement. Angry protesters threw firebombs, stones and firecrackers. Police also fired tear gas shells. Protesters have begun to set up barricades in more and more areas of Kiev's streets.

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