The Dhaka Times
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Follow-up: Police arrested 16 people, including the manager, in connection with the tunnel bank robbery

The Dhaka Times Desk The police have so far arrested 16 people including the manager of the bank in connection with the looting of about 16.5 million taka from the vault by cutting a tunnel at the main branch of Sonali Bank in Kishoreganj yesterday.

looting bank-2

In this incident, 8 policemen have already been booked for dereliction of duty.

The police arrested 16 people including the manager of the bank for questioning in connection with the looting of approximately 16.5 million taka from the branch of Sonali Bank on Isha Khan Road, Sadar, Kishoreganj district. At present, all banking activities have been closed in that branch of the bank.

Bank Sonali Kishor

The news media quoted the police as saying that it will take at least a week to build the 100 feet tunnel. Sometime last Friday or Saturday night, the miscreants escaped through the tunnel by stealing. The bank vault has several chests and cupboards. Although there is a rule not to keep more than 25 crore rupees in the vault, much more money is kept in the vault of this branch. More money was kept outside the chests and cupboards. All money outside has been looted. All the bank officials and employees have been kept under surveillance.

It is to be noted that after opening the vault of the bank on Sunday afternoon, the bank officials informed the police after seeing the lockers open. After that, the entire area was surrounded by members of law and order forces. They visited the spot and found a tunnel in the vault room. The miscreants looted 16 crore 40 lakh rupees from the vault by tunneling from outside.

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