The Dhaka Times
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The two brothers returned to their childhood in an extraordinary way!

The Dhaka Times Desk What we did in childhood or childhood, how we were, may have become blurred with the passage of time. But the picture has captured some of everyone's moments. Joe Luxton has some amazing moments like that And his brother brought him back when he grew up again.


Joe Luxton recreates the memorable photos he took with his brother and family when he was very young. Like how the two brothers slept in front of the camera when they were young, how they stood at the door or took pictures with their parents! All the same poses only time has grown and the people in front of the camera have aged.

The pictures are so beautiful and enchanting that one cannot understand without seeing. In each picture the context has changed but the expression has not changed! Is it even possible! But let's see one by one.

1) in the arms of the father Sebela Ebela!


2) two brothers in childhood, even when grown up, the love is unbreakable!


3) The first to find a strong support to stand on your own feet, but where is the crisis of confidence!


4) The two brothers' passion is still the same!


5) Little girl Sanja! Even though it's big, it hasn't changed a bit!!


6) First bike ride with dad!


7) Bathing of two brothers and still that emotion is intact!


8) That dog!


9) Cut the birthday cake! What can be forgotten even if it is big!

Thank you: Viralnov

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