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Conspiracy against Bangladesh continues in cricket: Srinivasan of India has threatened this time

The Dhaka Times Desk Conspiracy about Bangladesh continues in the cricket world. The head of the Indian Cricket Board Srinivasan threatened this time.


Indian Cricket Board Chief Srinivasan has threatened Bangladesh to accept the conspiracy made by 'Three Landlords' on Test Cricket, according to Anandabazar newspaper of Calcutta, India.

This comment was made in the report of India's Anandabazar published on Tuesday titled 'Indian cricket is not exploited while exploiting'.

The news also said that the official start of the war was supposed to take place on Tuesday at the meeting of the ICC Executive Board. But twenty-four hours before the incident, basically the Indian board leaders started intense 'power-bowling' on some of the full member countries of the ICC. In this regard, Bangladesh, which has taken a strong seat in the world cricket court, has been put under the most pressure.

However, Bangladeshi cricket experts feel that hope will not be fulfilled in India. Because what India is asking for will require the consent of 7 full member countries. Moreover, to change the constitution of the ICC, the consent of 8 countries is required. India, England, Australia stuck at 6 till Monday night. I want one more. And that is why Bangladesh Board President Nazmul Hasan is repeatedly being pressured to agree to the proposal of the three countries.

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It should be noted that one of the most important meetings in the history of ICC is starting today in Dubai. If they can achieve what Srinivasan's India want, the landscape of world cricket will change. At the same time, according to the majority of the cricket community, "the process of globalization of cricket will be killed."

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২৮, ২০১৪ 11:21 am

Staff reporter

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