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At the risk of his life, a gamer saved his hobby Xbox! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk The house is on fire, everything is burning. Just as everyone left the house, he remembered his hobby of Xbox Remains in the middle of the fire! He immediately jumped into the fire. At the risk of his life brought Xbox safely from the fire!


Risking one's life to protect an Xbox or something like that is rare. This rare event occurs in Kansas, USA. When the man woke up in the morning, he saw that the whole house was on fire. He immediately ran out of the house to save his life. But when he came out, he felt as if he had left! Yes! His favorite hobbyist gaming equipment, the Xbox, remains indoors.

Immediately, the person quickly went inside the house through the fire. The fire service personnel there said that the matter was very dangerous. The immediate fire service personnel stopped him but he quickly entered the house without complying. By the time he entered the house, the entire house was almost on fire.

Risking life like this for a gaming device is extremely dangerous. But he managed to safely bring his hobby games box Xbox out of the fire.


Source: The Tech Journal, cnet

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