The Dhaka Times
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Second Phase of Vishwa Ijtema Begins: Tongir Turag Tir A Meeting of World Muslims

The Dhaka Times Desk The second phase of World Ijtema started after Fajr on Friday with Am Bayan by Maulana Mohammad Jamshed of Delhi.


Today, after Fajr, pilgrims from different places started coming to the place of Ijtema. The second phase of the 49th World Ijtema started today from Friday after a break of 4 days. Tabligh Jamaat's three-day long second Ijtema has begun at Turag Bank in Tongir with Bad Fajr Aam Bayan. This year's World Ijtemar will conclude with the last prayer before Zohar prayer on Sunday, February 2. The first phase started last Friday and the last prayer was held before Zohar prayer on Sunday. Millions of devout Muslims participated in it.

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Even today on Friday, Muslims from different places are coming to the place of Ijtema. Their main purpose is to attend the grand Friday prayers. On Saturday and Sunday, the Ijtema ground of Tongir will be filled with the speeches of elders from different countries. This year's World Ijtema will conclude with the last prayer on Sunday. A major objective of this Ijtema is to seek peace and prosperity of the world community including Bangladesh. Millions of devout Muslims flock to the shores of Turag in the hope of gaining closeness to the Almighty Lord.

It may be noted that the World Ijtema has been divided into two phases for the past few years due to crowding. 32 districts participated in the first phase and 32 districts in the second phase. However, even though there is a break from Sunday to Friday, many Muslims of Taklib Jamaat are staying there. After participating in the second phase of the final prayer, they will return to their respective districts.

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