The Dhaka Times
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The risk of breast cancer men!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that cancer is incurable. This incurable breast cancer is common in women. But this time the researchers gave a different picture. It appears that men like women can get breast cancer!


Men in many countries of the world are affected by this breast cancer. The initial symptoms or signs of breast cancer are almost the same in women and men. However, there are some differences between women and men in detecting the presence of cancer quickly.

Due to the smaller breast tissue in men, its existence is detected very easily. The initial stage of this cancer in men i.e. the tumors are very easy to see. And because it is caught in the early stages, it is easy to treat. But the opposite happens with women. Women are diagnosed with breast cancer too late.

Researchers say that breast cancer mainly starts in the nipple and the skin covering it. Due to which if men are a little aware, it is possible to easily know the existence of tumors causing breast cancer at a much younger stage than women. Moreover, the most important thing in preventing the spread of breast cancer is to detect its existence at a very early stage.

Therefore, researchers think that everyone should be aware of breast cancer. Then it will be possible to get relief from this disease.

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