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President Barack Obama has become a fool to record video on the iPad! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Sometimes the president makes mistakes like the public. This happened last Tuesday. US President Barack Obama made a fool of himself by trying to record a video on an iPad.


Obama visited a Maryland middle school to announce that "a public-private partnership is providing high-speed Internet access to America's students." Walking through a classroom there, students were using iPads as part of their course work. He began filming students, journalists and staff members with an iPad.

After a student showed it, it was understood that he forgot to press the "record" button. He blushed and said, "Oh! Wasn't I recording the whole time? I thought the record was already running."

The student who showed up was named Kevin. With his help, the world's most powerful man, Obama, was finally able to make a video.

Watch the video captured on Barack Obama's iPad:

Source: BuzzFeed

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