Categories: general

Chhatra League leader Delwar, the hero of Rabi's weapons drill, has been arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk Delwar Hossain, the vice-president of the controversial Chhatra League of Rajshahi University, was finally arrested by the police.

Sources from Motihar police station confirmed that Chhatra League vice-president Delwar Hossain was arrested from Berimara area of the city around 4 pm on Wednesday.

The OC of Motihar police station said that Delwar was arrested in 4 cases filed in last Sunday's incident after his arrest.

It is to be noted that the BCL launched a surprise attack on the students who were on strike demanding the cancellation of the evening course after rejecting the announcement of suspension of increased fees in the university last Sunday. At this time, some leaders of the Chhatra League were also seen fighting with arms. Which was printed in various newspapers the next day. The government is embarrassed by such activities of the organ of the government party. That is why the Prime Minister himself ordered the arrest of the culprits.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 1:41 am

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