The Dhaka Times
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An Example of Humanity: A teenager named Belal risked his life to save the deer cub

The Dhaka Times Desk If there was no compassion among people, this world would have turned into a zoo. But kindness among people makes this society a breath of peace. A teenager named Belal set a precedent by risking his life to save a deer cub.

Humanity is one example-1

Belal risked his life by jumping into the river to save a deer cub. After the buck was rescued, it was returned to its team. This incident happened in Nizhumdwip of Noakhali. Belal showed this society a brave identity.

Humanity is one example-2

British newspaper Daily Mail published an illustrated report on Belal's brave and humane story on Thursday, the media said. Belal was photographed by wildlife photographer Hasibul Wahab.

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Quoting the local residents, the media said that the deer suddenly fell into the river while running in the forest. Kishore Belal could not sit any longer after seeing such danger of the deer cubs. Khasrota jumped into the river to rescue the deer. He once rescued the deer after fighting fiercely. Local residents gathered on the banks of the river when such incident was known.

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Photographer Hasibul Wahab described it to the media and said that Belal is a very brave teenager. Even though the tide was running in the river at that time, he risked his life and jumped in to rescue the deer. But he could have drowned in such a tide. We were also ready to jump into the river to save Belal. But it was no longer necessary. Finally Belal managed to rescue the deer alone. The fawn was later returned to the family.

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Belal's successful humanitarian cooperation is showing us this society with fingers in the eyes - we need to be humane for society, for people and even for animals. If man is not the best creature of creation, how will his superiority be proven? This humanitarian cooperation of Belal is to set an example that will inspire the society.

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It should be noted that every year during the monsoon, many deer cubs in this region lose their footing and fall into the river and die. Courtesy: Daily Mail

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