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Special precautions of Bangladesh Bank to prevent fake notes. Initiative to make people aware about fake notes

Dhaka Times Report. It is reported that Bangladesh Bank has taken several important decisions to prevent counterfeit notes after a large counterfeiting cycle was caught in recent times.
জাল নোট প্রতিরোধে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের বিশেষ সতর্কতা ॥ জনগণকে জাল নোটের বিষয়ে সচেতন করতে উদ্যোগ 1
It is known that Bangladesh Bank has ordered the commercial banks of the country to take special precautionary measures to prevent fake notes. At the same time, all branch offices of Bangladesh Bank have also been instructed to be active in this regard. Besides, Bangladesh Bank has written a letter to law and order security forces seeking cooperation. Besides, anti-counterfeit note committees comprising banks, police and local administrations in district towns have been asked to be vigilant.

The Central Bank has taken such steps in the fear that the members of the counterfeiters may release fake notes in the market taking the opportunity to increase the transactions centered on the upcoming Eid. According to the information of Bangladesh Bank, a large number of new notes are released in the market every year before Eid due to the need of exchange of torn notes or demand. Due to this, the trend of running fake notes increases before Eid, Qurbani, Puja or major festivals. At that time, there is a tendency to run fake notes in crowds at various places including big shopping malls, cow markets, bus stations.

It should be noted that on the occasion of Eid, Bangladesh Bank has started releasing new notes in the market from July 29 on Sunday. New notes can be collected from the cash counters of Bangladesh Bank as well as various commercial banks till August 14. Bangladesh Bank is releasing 17 and a half thousand crore taka in the market this coming Eid. 11 thousand crores of new notes are included in this.

In this regard, Bangladesh Bank Executive Director Dasgupta Asim Kumar said that considering the demand for money in view of various festivals, Bangladesh Bank released more money in the market. When new notes come into the market, the incidence of fake notes increases. For this reason, commercial banks have been warned to prevent fake notes from entering the banking system under any circumstances. He said that letters have been sent to the banks with instructions to ensure the use of advanced technology fake note detection machines in all branches and to take special precautionary measures regarding fake notes. He mentioned, we want to eliminate fake notes completely. For this reason Counter Counterfeit Notes Committee is being made more active. Besides, various campaigns are being conducted to make people aware about fake notes.

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