The Dhaka Times
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He wanted 'cash' in gossip: Chief whip laments statement as conspiracy

The Dhaka Times Desk Jatiya Sangsad Chief Whip A S M Feroze said, he wanted 'cash' for gossip. His speech at a reception should not have been carried negatively by journalists. Because of this, journalists should express their grief.

Chief Whip

In a press conference organized at the Media Center of the Jatiya Sangsad on Sunday, Chief Whip ASM Feroze said that a party is involved in a conspiracy against him. Newspapers have acted unethically by publishing such news. He also said that a section of Awami League in the area is conspiring against him. They are conspiring with the help of other parties all the time. Various media have deliberately used his speech and tried to give a negative impression. He commented that those who tried to change their character should express their grief.

He further said, 'About 25-30 thousand people gathered in my area to give the reception. It was almost dusk to receive the flowers and crests at the ceremony held in the open ground. The event should be stopped when it gets dark. I suggest spending money on party work instead of spending money on flowers and crests in the guise of stories of close leaders and workers who gathered on the platform with flowers and crests.'

It is to be noted that AS Feroze was given a public reception on the initiative of Upazila Awami League and allied organizations at the government public ground of Baufal Upazila Sadar of Patuakhali on Friday. In that event, he publicly announced on the mic and said, 'Tomorrow (Saturday) I will sit at the party office from nine in the morning to three in the afternoon. If one wishes to give a gift, no more than this crest. I want cash, want cash.''
When the news was published in various media of the country, widespread criticism started. There was a lot of criticism in this regard from the higher echelons of the government.

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