Categories: sport

Winter Olympics 2014 'used strange helmets!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 2014 Winter Olympics are being held in Sanchi, Russia, and here the competitors are using all the strangely designed helmets during the practice phase of the ice skiing event!

Sports captivate people's hearts, but the world can see how diverse sports apparel can be at this year's Winter Olympics in Sanchi 2014. This year's Sanchi Olympics 2014 in a special ice skiing event, competitors from different countries wrapped their bodies in different clothes and wore helmets with different designs!

1. Canada's Eric Nielson gave dynamic design to his clothes and helmet!

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2. Another contestant from Canada, Sarah Reid, decorated her dress in a strange design.

3. It's obvious he's an American competitor, with the American flag emblazoned on his clothing and the distinctive eagle eye on his helmet.

4. This competitor is not from any other country, he is a New Zealand athlete of Blackcaps fame.

5. Spain's player Ender Mirambel wears an amazing outfit and helmet to match the Spanish flag.

6. Latvia's Tomas Dukars looks great in a black helmet.

7. He is a competitor of England, his clothes are similar to the flag of England.

8. Ireland's contestant Sarah Greenwood has given a unique design to her dress and helmet to match the country's flag.

9. The Italian competitor was caught on camera with his helmet on.

10. He, also a Canadian competitor, had the oddest helmet at the event. It seems that a strange brain is playing in his helmet!

Source: The Guardian

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১২, ২০১৪ 11:57 am


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