Categories: the knowledge

Men's brains are bigger than women's

The Dhaka Times Desk Research has been going on for a long time to determine the differences between the brains of men and women. Recently, a group of researchers from Cambridge University revealed that men's brains are larger than women's.

A team of researchers led by Amber Rygrock analyzed the results of neuroscience research over the past 20 years to create a comparative picture of the differences between men and women's brains.

In this work, they used related articles published between 1990 and 2013. They tracked a total of 126 brain research articles. These studies ranged from newborns to 80-year-olds.

Research results show that men's brains are 8-13 percent larger than women's. These differences exist in different regions of the brain. This includes the limbic system of the brain which controls emotions and language systems. Behavioral differences between men and women are not only due to environmental or social reasons, but biological influences are also present to a large extent.

According to research team member Prof. Sackling, this new research will help understand general gender differences as well as psychological differences between men and women.

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The research team decided to continue the research to find out the whole matter.

Men and women have different behavior, intelligence, emotions etc. The main reason for this is the different structure of their brain. However, there is a question that men's brains are bigger than women's, but are men more intelligent than women?

Source: Daily Mail

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৬, ২০১৪ 1:46 pm

ABM Noorullah

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