The Dhaka Times Desk Drinking fruit juice is a favorite of everyone at any time especially in the hot summer sun and most people think that fruit juice is always good for our body and an alternative to soda. But a new study has found that extra sugary fruit juices are just as bad for your health as carbonated drinks and soda.
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology The study, published in the journal, was carried out by Jason Gill and Navid Sattar, professors of metabolic medicine. They fear that people's common misconceptions about fruit juice are harmful. A lot of sugary fruit juices are harmful to the body. In particular, the possibility of heart disease is created in it. At the same time, however, they have tried to persuade food companies to advise people to consume 150 milliliters of syrup a day.
Naveed Sattar said that one cup of apple juice contains the same amount of sugar as one cup of Coca-Cola. Fruit juice contains more sugar than a single fruit contains, and even the healthy fruit fiber is not found in fruit juice. In this case, it is clear that fruit juices are low in nutrients.
A 2012 Harvard University study found that high sugar intake increases the risk of heart disease by 20 percent. At the same time, the possibility of diabetes also increases a lot. It has been found that consuming grape juice for three consecutive months increases the amount of insulin in the blood, which is an early sign of diabetes.
Although fruit juice contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, it does not reduce the risk of diabetes or heart disease. So one should avoid getting other diseases while making up the vitamin deficiency. In this case, it is wise to consume the fruit directly instead of drinking fruit juice. In this way, it is possible to get all kinds of vitamins and minerals without any side effects.
Reference: NewsmaxHealth
This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 10:16 am
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