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Two British princes helped flood victims with sandbags on their shoulders! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Prince Williams and Prince Harry, two members of the British royal family, shouldered sandbags to build the dam to help British citizens.


It is rare for princes or powerful people to come down in the ranks of ordinary people. This time a similar incident happened in Britain. Prince Harry and Prince Williams, two future heirs to the British royal family, descended on London's West End together In the Thames River Basin Construction of embankment on the side of the road.


Together, the two princes marched shoulder to shoulder with the British soldiers to build embankments with sandbags to hold back the flood waters. Sandbags were prepared by railway workers and soldiers on the spot unloaded them from the trucks. Both Prince Williams and Prince Harry helped the soldiers unload the sandbags from the truck at this point, carrying the sandbags on their shoulders. These sandbags are taken from trucks to be used to protect various flood-damaged houses and to build embankments to prevent erosion on the banks of the river.


Note that two princes of the British royal family have served in the British army for some time, which all princes have to do as a prince. Meanwhile, a source in the British royal family said, “The two princes naturally had special plans to stand by the flood victims and accordingly the two princes went to the scene. The main reason for the Yuvrajs to stand by the bereaved was to give courage to the natives and to store strength in the minds of the working soldiers.”


It is really a rare example for the people who are in the highest seat of the monarchy of a world power state to stand by the people like this. Such an example is exemplary for the powerful and the people in the upper class of the society in a less developed country like ours.

Source: The Guardian

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