The Dhaka Times
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'Shunte Ki Pao' releasing on February 21

The Dhaka Times Desk The exceptional film 'Shunte Ki Pao' is going to be released on Mahan Ekushe February. This film is releasing in Star Cineplex.


This film has been widely discussed before its release. Due to which interest has also been created among the audience. In such a situation, the film 'Shunte Ki Pao' is going to be released next Friday on February 21. This film has already received praise in different countries of the world even before its release in the country.

This film has already received awards in several festivals including Paris, Mumbai. Although the film is in conflict with the commercial mindset, the film is walking the path of gaining respectability at its own pace, the production house said. And that's why this film has received a lot of praise before its release.

But apart from the excellence of the film in the eyes of outside critics, the film is being released at Star Cineplex on February 1st to show how 'Shunte Ki Pao' will fare with the overall audience of the country.

It is known that, at the same time, various souvenirs including the film's honor and its still images will also be displayed. Regarding the film, the producer told the media, 'I have presented the country in my own way. Of course, many are comparing it to various famous works. But I will say, this film will appeal to the general audience as well' commented the producer company.

Extensive postering has already been done in the streets and alleys of the capital. Seeing the campaign of this film, many people said that the film will be a house full. If the business is successful, they will be encouraged to make better films, said the production company.

'Shunte Ki Pao' is a full-length documentary film based on the story of a village swaying in its struggle to recover lost land on the banks of the Bhadra River bordering the Sundarbans. Filmed over two years, the film is written, directed and shot by Qamar Ahmed Simon and produced by Sara Afrin.

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