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Facebook's new highlight feed is coming!

The Dhaka Times Desk Facebook's timeline and newsfeed are constantly changing. This time, Facebook is testing the highlight feed system.


Facebook's highlighted feed means that Facebook will show you notifications by highlighting an event on your timeline or important things for you. This will make the events on users' timelines more visible.

Already recently Facebook 7.0 iOS update Released and while Facebook said it only fixed bugs, some users are seeing huge changes in the new update. This change is the highlighted option. Through this, users will see the special events of friends in the form of highlights in the news feed.

Read on to increase your Facebook security: Some tips to keep yourself safe on Facebook (Part-1)


Facebook at the same time 3.2 update to Facebook Messenger It has been updated and published. Where users can know whether any notification has arrived on their ID while chatting. If it has arrived, you can go directly to the notification by clicking on the notification section above the chat box.

Facebook is always bringing new features to its users, although the above two changes are still considered unofficial and experimental. But very soon this change is going to come for all users.

A few days ago, Facebook gave its users 10 years of service A special video feature called Lookback. Through this, users can view and publish the history that happened on their timeline from beginning to end in video form.

Source: Digitaltrends

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