The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Thursday, 20 February 2014 Christ, 8 Falgun 1420 Bengal, 19 Rabius Sani 1535 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.
There are still many families in rural Bangladesh who struggle to get a handful of rice and curry. The photo is of a pasture near the banks of Padma in Munshiganj's Lauhjong Upazila. This woman is returning home after picking radishes from the radish field in the morning. This simple village woman has 5 daughters and 1 son. A girl is giving SSC exam now. There is no curry in the house - so radishes and bananas from other people's fields are his only resources!
When he was caught by the camera of The Dhaka Times, he said, 'This curry should be cooked without oil and fed to the children.'
Everyone should come forward to remove the poverty of the village people. Then maybe one day we won't have to hear such nonsense from anyone in Bangladesh. We all hope for that auspicious day.
This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০, ২০১৪ 12:51 am
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ অনেকই সুজি খেতে খুবই ভালোবাসেন। তাই তারা প্রতিদিন সুজির পায়েস,…
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