The Dhaka Times
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Google is replacing the written password with a word password system!

The Dhaka Times Desk Google subsidiary SlickLogin has developed a voice password system that humans cannot hear but machines can hear. As a result, radical changes are going to come in web account password management with the help of this word password system in the future.


Google has acquired Israeli start-up Slicklogin. Ever since Google bought SlickLogin, they have been working on a better solution for Google's two-factor authentication. In line with that, there are passwords that people can't hear but machines can hear.

The company has introduced a hearing system for accessing Google services on the phone from the website. That is, the access authorization will be a unique inaudible word. In that case, the user does not need to use the password again, just hold the phone close to the computer.


Meanwhile, SlickLogin told them in a statement, "We have been connected with Google for a few days. Nowadays websites all over the world are suffering from security complications related to user login. Google has provided two standard logins for their users. We are working to improve Google's two-factor authentication system. Hopefully very soon we will be able to supersede the previous password login system with our new slicklogin.”

  • Now let's see how slicklogin works?

Suppose you go to a site that supports slicklogin from your desktop or laptop. There you enter your name or password and hold your smartphone near him for some time. With a word it will become approved.

  • What actually happens in the arrangement of word passwords?

If a user enters the website with a sound password system and wants to log into his account, the website will play a sound which is basically an encrypted ultrasonic sound (sound that cannot be heard by humans). However, this ultrasonic sound can determine the special software on the user's smartphone, and the smartphone sends the necessary information about the user to the website's server. This is how a user will be authenticated.


The word code for a user is different from time to time. As a result, users can request access to their account multiple times. Technology experts believe that the innovation is a breakthrough which could be a useful way for other essential websites in the future. And if this technology works well, it can be assumed that the old password system will have to say goodbye very soon.

Reference: Business Insider
Thank you: Cultofandroid

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