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Grameenphone has launched an internet filter to prevent illegal content

The Dhaka Times Desk Internet usage on mobile is increasing gradually. Along with this many downsides are also being exposed. Keeping in mind the young society, Grameenphone has set up a mobile internet filter to prevent child sexual abuse content.

Grameenphone's business partner Telenor Group informed this information in a press release. This decision has been taken by giving priority to internet security. Because a significant number of teenagers use the internet on mobile phones.

According to research, 500 million teenagers may start using the Internet in the next few years. Telenor Group expects that in the next three years, eight and a half million children will start using the Internet through mobile phones in the countries where they do business. It is mainly for them that internet filters are being installed to provide internet security.

Grameenphone chairman Sigwe Brekke said, mobile and data connectivity has created opportunities for everyone but also some of its risks. So this initiative is for the sake of internet security.

Recently, Telenor and Grameenphone announced to provide 21 lakh hours of free internet access for school students with the support of BRAC. Students of 250 schools across the country will be able to access free internet at BRAC's mass centers in their respective school premises as well as learn about using the internet safely and efficiently.

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An estimated 500 million children live in Telenor's Asian market. Of which there are about 5 crores in Bangladesh.

Children, teenagers are gradually entering the world of internet. It is our responsibility to protect them from the bad aspects of this world. This initiative of Telenor and Grameenphone taken from this sense of responsibility is really commendable.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২২, ২০১৪ 9:23 am

ABM Noorullah

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