The Dhaka Times Desk If there is a house, it will have a door. Apart from safety, various designs of doors have been made thinking about the beauty of the house. But now there is a design door that can be folded.
Australian artist Clemens Trogler created this fancy door. How many doors have been manufactured so far including automatic doors, revolving doors. But Trogler has created a completely different door.
ট্রগলারের এই দরজাকে বলা হচ্ছে ‘ইভোলিউশন ডোর’। এটি অনেকটা অরিগামির মত বিভিন্ন অংশে ভাঁজ হয়ে যায়। এটিকে এমন ভাবে তৈরি করা হয়েছে যে এর বিভিন্ন অংশ নিজের ভারেই সুন্দর ভাবে ভাঁজ হয়। সবচেয়ে ভাল দিক হচ্ছে হালকা স্পর্শে খুলে এবং বন্ধ হয়ে যায়।
Many people may think that hands or fingers will get stuck in the folded part of the door. Actually it is not correct. Door parts don't give that much pressure.
Because many parts of this door fold together, it may be less convenient than a normal door. But in addition to the artistic value, this door will also reduce your security. And it's a door that you'll want to keep at home because of its incredible craftsmanship.
‘ইভোলিউশন ডোর’ এর ভিডিও দেখুন…
Source: boredpanda
This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৮, ২০১৬ 10:11 am
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