The Dhaka Times Desk যক্ষ্মা কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য ও গ্যাস্ট্রিকসহ বহু রোগের উপশম করে থাকে চাল কুমড়া। এই চাল কুমড়ার বহুবিধ উপকার সম্পর্কে আজ রয়েছে কিছু টিপস।
Although the rice pumpkin is born in the rice of the house, the quality is hundredfold. Apart from using rice pumpkin as a curry, it is also used to make marmalade, pies and pumpkin pills. The fruits, flowers and leaves of rice gourd are used as herbal medicine. Ancient herbalists often mentioned rice gourd juice in their prescriptions for tuberculosis patients. They believed that rice pumpkin contains blood purifying ingredients.
# rice pumpkin juice taken daily with 4/5 teaspoon of sugar and milk throughout the day cures the symptoms of tuberculosis.
# Tuberculosis is not present but in cases where blood is coming out with cough, taking rice pumpkin juice is good. It stops the bleeding. Basak leaf juice mixed with rice and pumpkin gives good results.
# rice pumpkin reduces body fat. Facilitates blood circulation in blood vessels.
# Eating rice pumpkin strengthens the heart muscle. For this reason, patients with cholelithiasis are allowed to eat rice and pumpkin halwa as food. Goat's milk mixed with rice pumpkin halwa keeps the body fresh.
# Rice pumpkin is given for constipation, flatulence and irregular urination due to any reason. Constipation is relieved by eating rice pumpkin juice mixed with some warm milk.
# In case of flatulence, massaging rice pumpkin juice on the stomach relieves flatulence quickly.
# adults should be fed with rice and pumpkin seed sauce in case of stomach worms. Rice pumpkin seeds relieve gastric disorders.
This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 9:41 am
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