Categories: health talk

Causes and remedies for bad breath and bleeding gums

The Dhaka Times Desk Bad breath and bleeding gums is a big problem for us. If the cause of these problems is known, it is also possible to remedy them. Today's discussion is about this.

We suffer from various diseases of teeth and gums. A person with bleeding gums and bad breath may not be able to feel it, and we who listen feel as annoyed when he talks about it. I was forced to listen to him. But you have to turn your back on the other side. A person with bad breath may suffer from inferiority complex.

There are various causes of bad breath. One of which is:

# Not keeping mouth and teeth clean.

# A variety of diseases can cause bad breath.

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# can cause bad breath due to indigestion, stomach upset or other causes.

# Bleeding gums is one of the diseases of the oral cavity. Eighty percent of people in our country suffer from this disease but the gums can bleed due to various reasons.

# Among the gum diseases, common gingivitis and periodontitis are the main diseases which are transient and chronic. Besides, the gums may bleed during puberty and pregnancy.

# If our body is affected by diseases caused by blood cells such as: aplastic ammonia, hemophilia, monocytic pneumonia, purpura, thalassemia, agranulocytosis, etc., the gums may bleed. Due to keeping the gums and teeth unclean, a kind of plaque accumulates at the junction of the teeth and gums. Gradually this coating forms a type of hard stone that we call gingival calculus. It is this accumulated hard stone that causes the gums to bleed as a result of the friction of the gums with the stones during brushing.


Treatment of bad breath and bleeding gums is started only after diagnosis of the exact cause. If necessary, blood tests and other necessary tests are also done. Commonly: Scaling and gingivectomy are both treatments. If necessary, the doctor advises taking antibiotics. If necessary, other treatments may be done.

Ways of prevention

One of the ways of prevention is:

# Brush teeth regularly after eating.

# Eat more fresh fruit.

# Do not eat sweet and sticky food.

# every six months with dental surgery.

# Brush flossing should be done daily. Otherwise, bacterial plaque accumulates on the teeth. As a result tooth decay or gum disease is observed.

# should consume fluoridated foods, vegetables, water and fluoridated plasters.

After that if there is any problem then consult a doctor.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 9:39 am

Laila Haque

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