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Electrification wheel will increase the power of bicycle pedals!

The Dhaka Times Desk If you want to get to work without spending extra time and energy in the busiest cities, you need Flycly. The start-up has developed a new type of electrified bicycle wheel. The result is effortless pedaling and no need to enter the office sweaty.


The propeller motor is 250 watts which will increase the speed of the bike to 20 MPH (25 km/h). The charge will cause current to flow through the two-layer magnet. Electricity will accumulate in the magnet which will help the wheel rotate. The maximum speed should be determined through the app and the smart wheel will start the speed in a while.

The circular circuit board in the center of the wheel will direct the motor. Bike location, mileage and route can be determined through GPS. The system will be connected to the application via Bluetooth.
FlyKly Smart Wheel

The 36 volt battery can be charged in different ways. When the bike moves on the road the wheel will rotate the magnet which will generate electricity. The battery of the wheel can be charged in three hours.


The bike can be locked through a smartphone app. When the rider locks the bike, the motor will stop the power flow. As there is no power in the wheel, the two layers of magnets will stay on top of each other and the wheel will not turn.

Flycly has its own Android and iOS apps. The driver can control and monitor the system through a smartphone application. Can store trip data and monitor the performance of motors and electronics. The wheel can be fitted to any type of bicycle.


Reference: Popsci 

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