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Mexico's top Ferrari drug lord Jacqueline Guzman arrested

The Dhaka Times Desk Mexico's top Ferrari drug lord Jacqueline Guzman has been arrested by Mexican police. The United States intelligence agency helped arrest Jacqueline.

Guzmán arrested

He was arrested early yesterday morning in a tourist area on the coast of Mexico. The arrest of Jacqueline Guzman is a major step forward for the Mexican government in a long and brutal fight against the drug empire. Jacqueline Guzman's drug empire group controlled Mexico's narcotics. The Mexican government had been trying to arrest him for a long time.

Notably, the 56-year-old Guzman, who is 5 feet 6 inches tall, is known as "El Chapo" in Spanish. For a long time he was the leader of the notorious Sinaloa cartel in Mexico.

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